About Us
SAGAMORE TRAINING SYSTEMS has assembled a nationwide group of editorial talent that is rivaled by no other publisher.  This team represents more than 150 years of experience as educators, editors, and publishers.
SAGAMORE TRAINING SYSTEMS is committed to providing the highest quality and up-to-date learning directed courses in order to give you the tools to start or enhance your career.
SAGAMORE TRAINING SYSTEMS was founded in 2007 to provide high quality and current training programs for pre-licensing and continuing education in regulated industries.  Our president, Wayne Gordon has 30 years of in-the-field experience in the licensing education and licensing examination industry.  He was National Director with ASI, now Pearson VUE, for 16 years and Vice President of License Compliance for Pictorial Publishers, now Kaplan education, for 14 years.  During these years he developed strong relationships at the commissioner and licensing director levels as well as with schools and associations.
SAGAMORE TRAINING SYSTEMS is a National Provider with direct connection to the state based licensing system.  The core text for our Life/Health Prelicensing Resource Guide and Property/Casualty Prelicensing Resource Guide is tailored to meet the individual content outlines provided by Pearson, Prometric, PSI and the states using their own examinations.
Copyright: Sagamore Training Systems
Web Design by: Duane Heinrichs
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